Friday, July 8, 2011

My new top 7

Hi Everyone!
The press conference is over! We know who is  still in the competition and who eliminated today. They also have announced the winners of Miss Sport, Miss Bikini, Miss Talent and Miss Charity.  Ans it's time for me to reveal my new top 7:)))
There you go:

1. Lili Regős: Miss Sport winner burnette beauty  has a great chance to hold the big title and represent Hungary in London. She has an amazing body and a pretty face. What do you think about her??? Could she be a good contestant for Miss World?

2. Nikolett Németh: Amazing beauty. I still beleieve that she has the best look. She could be a great contestant for Miss World and Universe too. Could we meet her in Brazil??? 

3. Fanni Weisz: She is the most unique girl of all time. Even so she has a disability, she shows us a good example and could be a good role model. Miss Earth could give her a great platform to stand up for those who has a disability and show the world that everone has equal chance to succeed.

4.Betta Lipcsei
5.Linda Szunai
6.Edina Siha
7.Ágnes Konkoly

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Top 7 by You


Íme a TI választásotok, az a 7 lány, akik a blog olvasó szerint a legszebbek. Én a Facebookon megkérdeztem, Ti pedig válaszoltatok nézzük a végeredményt:
1. Németh Nikolett (161 szavazat): A mezőny gyönyörű szőke Barbie-ja az olvasóimat is levette a lábukról. Magasan a legtöbben szavaztatok a kedves arcú, klasszikus szépségű lányra. A múlt heti top 7 finalistáim között Niki az első helyen szerepelt, így egyértelmű, hogy én is osztom a véleményeteket. Németh Nikolett  külföldről is elhozhatja azt a koronát, amelyet én most jelképesen a fejére tettem:)
2. Vigmann Bernadett(89 szavazat): Nekem Ő okozta a legnagyobb meglepetést, de tényleg szexy, csinos, szép lány.  Gyönyörű képek készültek róla, fotogén. Miss Universre pedig nem is kell más a sikerhez:) Kívánom Neki, hogyha a valóságban is fejére kerül az a bizonyos korona, a világversenyen is szép eredményt érjen el.
 3.Weisz Fanni(35 szavazat): Ő az a lány, aki sugárzik. Talán nem is csak a szépsége miatt szeretjük annyira, hanem sokkal inkább mindaz a pozitív energia ami ebből a nagyon fiatal lányból árad az vesz minket le a lábunkról. A Miss Earth világverseny pedig, nagy mértékben szól a jótékonykodásról is, amiben Fanni példamutató:)
4.Lipcsei Betta (29szavazat)
5.Szentiványi Szandra (14 szavazat)
6.Regős Lili (8 szavazat)
7. Lukács Mercédesz (6 szavazat)

Friday, July 1, 2011

My NEW Hot Picks

Official pictures are up, so it's time for a new adtition of HOT PICKS. It's really different from the lastest one. As we are getting closer to the final date I start to get to know the girls and I have seen a lots of pictures and reports of them.
My opinion:
1.Nikolett Németh
She is still my winner. I started to like her beauty at the very beginning and I'm still a fan of her. Amazing face, body and personality. She is such a perfection, blonde classic beauty, that Miss World looks for.
2. Betta Lipcsei
Wow. She is going up on my list. Every time I see her on tv, I feel that this girl is different. Amazing speaking skill, very sporty body. Trump is gonna like her:)
3. Lili Regős
She is still on the top. She has a body to die for. Ok, she is a Miss Universe material, but I like Betta more now. It's a very tough decision.
4.Anikó Hódi
She is the biggest suprise for me. I did not even recognized her beauty, but she changed her hair color and it works. Look at those eyes, she is on the top now.
5. Ágnes Konkoly
Beauty:) She looks so great. She is the typical Hungaryian type of beauty, she definitly has a place in the top 7.
6. Fanni Weisz
She has many fans in Hungary. She looks good, but I have never been a big fan of her beauty. Sorry, she is still a big competitor of Nikolett, Betta or Lili. Mayby just me, who can not see what others can.
7.Mercédes Lukács
This girl is beautiful, finally I have realized.:) At first she may looks a bit average, but if you look at her one more time, she is unique on her own way. I like her, she is on my top 7 now.

Thanks for reading! Good luck to all of the 24 girls!