Thursday, April 28, 2011

Interview with the Hungarian Miss Nevada and Miss Nevada Usa

 This interview was made in 2010, almost exactly a year ago, but I think it can be still interesting to get to know a Hungarian beauty, who won titles in the Usa.
-So Julianna, you're Miss Nevada Usa 2010 and you competed for the title of Miss America 2009. When did you decide to take part in a beauty pageant?
I started pagaents when I was 18 years old. I never did them growing up but I wanted to try something new! I love everything that pageants represent. Being able to go out in the world and be that positive role model, showing everyone who you and what you stand for, there's nothing more empowering then that!

-You are 100% Hungarian:)Does it mean that both of your parents come from Hungary?Have you been to Hungary?Do you have relatives living in Hungary?
Both of my parents were born in Hungary! My dad moved to the US when he was 11 and my mom in her 20s when she married my dad. I was born in the US but its always been my parents and my familys priority to make sure that I knew what my culture was like and that I constantly spoke with them in Hungarian. I learned to speak Hungarian first and we went back to Budapest almost every summer while I was growing up. We also moved there when I was 9 for a year so I could experience living there and also get to know my family better. I went to school at Városmajor in 3rd grade and I loved every moment!! I still try to go back as often as possible. My Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and Grandmother still live there along with some second cousins and other more distant family.

-If Yes.What is you favourite place in Hungary?
Ive spent quite a bit of time at Vonyarcvashegy at my Aunt and Uncles summer home. We used to go to the strand frequently and go windsurfing while indulging in a few garlic-butter covered Langos' and Palacsintas! Makes me hungry just thinking about them!! :)

-You were born in the Usa, as a child what did it mean to you to be Hungarian?Your parents tried to teach you the language and tell you about the culture?
I always knew that I had a special background. I was constantly asked to speak Hungarian by all my friends because they thought it sounded so cool! I think that its definitly one of the most beautiful languages out there. Our house was always decorated with Hungarian embroideries, pottery, etc... I definitly grew up in a European home. My mom always cooked Hungarian dishes and our holidays were very traditional.

-I'm always a bit envious of those people who grow up with 2 different cultures.How does it effect your life?
I love it!! I think it makes me unique and different. I rarely meet other Hungarians in Nevada but when I do it's always refreshing. It's hard sometimes too though because I miss being in Europe. Even though I grew up in the States, I have a strong connection to my culture and my family that still lives there. I am planning on spending a few months there next year and I cant wait:)

-Let's get back to pageants. you are Miss Nevada Usa as I have aleady mentioned, so what is your preparation like for the Miss Usa?
Its been non-stop!! There's always something to do! Whether its going to the gym, working on interview, practicing my walking or working on styling! Its been very exciting though and I love every moment.

-You must be very excited about the big show, and of course it will be the highlight of your reign, but what has been this year like so far as Miss Nevada Usa?Do you make a lot of appearances?
I do! I get to do red carpet events quite frequently so Ive gotten to meet some great people and a few celebrities! Ive also gone to a few schools and an amazing Special Olympics event. The year is all that you make it so im enjoying every second.

-Finally, There will be a show called the B-girls online and you take part in it.Tell us a little bit more about it especially for those who haven't seen last year's series or will it be different or the same as it was in 2009?
This year is a little bit different, its the first full season. 7 girls, Miss NV, Miss ID, Miss VA, Miss NV Teen, Miss VA Teen, Miss ID Teen, Miss WA Teen spent a week living in one house and were lead through different challanges and events. It gives the viewers a small glimpse into what its like to be a titleholder and the daily events we go through. We had a great time filming and I cant wait to finally watch the show! It starts April 11th and there are 2 webisodes per week. Go online to to watch it!

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